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    Dutch Holidays

    These are the official public holidays, see further explanation in the table below:

    1 januari                                   (New Year’s Day)

    2e paasdag                             (The Dutch celebrate two days of Easter, on Sunday and the subsequent Monday. Good Friday is not a public holiday in NL)

    Koningsdag                             (April 27th)

    Hemelvaartsdag                     (Ascension Day)

    2e pinksterdag                        (Pentecost, only the second day is a public holiday which will be a Monday)

    1e en 2e kerstdag                   (Christmas day and Boxing day)

    January 1 (New Year's Day / Nieuwjaar)

    The day before is called "Old Year's Day" and not referred to as "New Year's Eve"

    March/April (Good Friday / Goede Vrijdag)

    It is also known as Holy Friday, Great Friday, Black Friday, or Easter Friday. NOT an official public holidays

    March/April (Easter / Eerste Paasdag en Tweede Paasdag)

    The Dutch celebrate two days of Easter (on Sunday and the subsequent Monday).

    April 27 (King's Day / Koningsdag)

    Celebration of the birthday of king Willem-Alexander. (If April 27 falls on a Sunday, King's day is celebrated on the 26th.)

    May 5 (Liberation Day / Bevrijdingsdag)

    Celebration of the 1945 capitulation of German forces in World War II.

    40 Days after Easter (Ascension Day / Hemelvaartsdag)

    The Dutch celebrate two days of Pentecost (on Sunday and the subsequent Monday).

    7 weeks after Easter (Pentecost / Pinkster)

    The Dutch celebrate two days of Pentecost (on Sunday and the subsequent Monday).

    December 5 (Saint Nicholas’ Eve / Pakjesavond, Sinterklaasavond)

    Not a national holiday.The Dutch version of Santa ClausSinterklaas gives presents to children. While Saint Nicholas's name day is on December 6, in the Netherlands usually only Saint Nicholas' Eve, on December 5, is celebrated.

    December 25-26 (Christmas / Kerstmis)

    The Dutch celebrate two days of Christmas: Eerste Kerstdag (the first day of Christmas) and Tweede Kerstdag (Boxing day).

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